This filter analyses the distribution of read bases to reference bases to calculate the Gini coefficient for each reference, then filters all references exceeding the given maximimal Gini threshold (default 0.90) to achieve a higher prevalence of evenly covered references.
The filter can be further restricted to only consider references with average coverage falling within a certain range. By default the range is set from 0x minimal to 9999x maximal coverage, hence the thresholds have no effect. However, because the Gini coefficient is a measure of relative inequality it may have less significance for references with low minimum coverage, which can be effectively excluded from filtering by setting a corresponding minimum coverage.
By default all reference bases are considered, but the calculation of coverage and read length distributions can optionally be restricted to only the covered bases (coverage >= 1).
The Gini coefficient is often used as a metric for the relative inequality of income distribution across the population, however it can also be applied to describe the heterogenity of the distribution of read bases to reference bases (= the coverage distribution). This makes it a useful tool when dealing with references that show distinct peaks in their coverage plot due to large clusters of reads that map to few conserved areas while leaving the larger part of the reference sequence uncovered.
Given the normed cumulative coverage distribution of all covered reference bases (= a Lorenz curve) the Gini coefficient describes the ratio of the area A between the Lorenz curve and the diagonal (describing a perfectly even distribution of read bases) over the total area B underneath the diagonal. Thus, a completely even distribution of read bases across the entire reference would have a minimal Gini coefficient of 0.0 while a completely uneven distribution with all read bases mapped to just one reference base would have a maximal Gini coefficient of 1.0.
This filter can also be used to analyze the read length distribution per reference (disabled by default) and to plot coverage and read length distributions (also disabled by default).
Activating the plotting of these distributions for a large input dataset can create I/O problems due to the large amounts of PNG files generated. It will also decrease the performance of this filter considerably and should only be used to troubleshoot filter parameters for small subsets of the data.