0.1.0, 2015-01-16 -- initial release 0.1.1, 2015-01-19 -- bugfix: filters requiring additional arguments, bugfix: unable to load filters due to wrong entry point names 0.1.2, 2015-01-22 -- SAMtools wrappers for conversion to/from BAM escaping | characters in taxa and reference list filters installation instructions for Mac OS X and Windows 0.2.0, 2015-02-03 -- wrappers for file compression and decompression wrapper for SAMtools rmdup bash export supporting sequential and parallel processing configurable bash options incl. file name shortening modules for statistical output (read counts) compilation of statistics into spreadsheets enrichment of statistics with external databases display of input/output requirements for filter modules QT4 dependency removed from filter items 0.2.1, 2015-02-04 -- bugfix: typo in setup script makes summarize_stats unusable 0.2.2, 2015-02-07 -- bugfix: wrong file extension appended when not specified (Unity/Gnome) bugfix: Ctrl+C on console not closing application bugfix: override --tollef mode of GNU parallel on Ubuntu 12.04 bugfix: changing order of filter elements in menu and dock bugfix: filter item icons not saved and restored bugfix: no icons for filter items (non-X11 systems, sparse themes) enrich_statistics --help provides more details on parameters 0.2.3, 2015-02-11 -- inclusion of statistics compilation in GUI post-processing change of default settings for filtering reads by conservation (A. Herbig) distribution of desktop file for integration in Gnome, KDE, XFCE inclusion of SAM2RMA in GUI and bash exports saving and restoring of SAM2RMA preferences bugfix: not saving SSX on close despite confirmation adding rudimentary workflow validation (debug mode) 0.2.4, 2015-02-11 -- bugfix: race condition in GUI post-processing leading to empty stats use UTF-8 encoding for all message output changing lower/upper bounds of SAM2RMA options as suggested by AH 0.3.0, 2015-02-13 -- automatic validation, highlighting problems prior to execution bash scripts determine path to sam2rma automatically workflows accept SAM, BAM and zipped SAM both as input and output bugfix: desktop file version should be 1.0 instead of program version bugfix: incorrect output requirements for format converters bugfix: exported bash scripts not using changed sam2rma settings bugfix: changes to input/output filenames reflected in title bar 0.4.0, 2015-02-20 -- simpler installation thanks to PyPI filter_reads_conservation supports @PG tags (experimental) built-in filters 50x faster due to line-based filtering cleaner codebase and simplified API online API documentation online help function 0.5.0, 2015-03-01 -- support for BetterRMDup filter_reads_conservation writes @PG records by default filter_ref_coverage writes @PG records by default filter_ref_identity writes @PG records by default filter_ref_pmds writes @PG records by default filter_taxon_pmds writes @PG records by default completed online help online manual for all filters completed API documentation disabling filtering of reads by conservation based on LCI order of docks in View menu corresponds to F keys new, empty workflows do not prompt for unsaved changes 0.5.1, 2015-03-01 -- bugfix: broken link to detailled installation instructions 0.5.2, 2015-03-05 -- bugfix: no support for 'fullmatch' regex in Python < 3.4 bugfix: force sh file extension even in Unity and Gnome bugfix: off-by-one when filtering 1st line after header with PG 0.5.3, 2015-03-09 -- bugfix: silent failure to save bash script in some environments 0.5.4, 2015-03-16 -- removing 'Save As' button from toolbar to avoid confusion bugfix: betterrmdup called with unknown option -s include optional tools in installation instructions list known SamSifter bug and workaround in Help list known bugs in MALT, SAMtools and BetterRMDup in Help 0.5.5, 2015-03-17 -- bugfix: Bash export fails silently when started from menu desktop file less specific to Debian installations 0.5.6, 2015-03-22 -- pmdtools_mod: GC calculation only when required pmdtools_mod: faster reverse complementation pmdtools_mod: faster reference reconstruction filter_read_identity: corrected parameter name 1.0.0, 2015-04-29 -- including pip3 requirement in installation instructions removal of calculate_pmds entry point always force GNU gzip output to stdout pmdtools code cleanup and refactoring for pylint score > 9.5/10 samsifter code cleanup and refactoring for pylint score > 9/10 setup code cleanup and refactoring for pylint score 10/10 full getter/setter documentation for extension API disabling pandas warning about missing dataframe members (safe to ignore) inclusion of small demo utility for custom GUI widgets adding known bugs and workarounds to list update of project email address in code and documentation