Source code for samsifter.models.filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Abstraction of filters and other tools usable in POSIX pipelines.

.. moduleauthor:: Florian Aldehoff <>

# Qt4 libraries
from PyQt4.QtGui import QStandardItem, QIcon

# custom libraries
from samsifter.gui.widgets import FilterWidget
from samsifter.resources import resources
assert resources  # silence pyflakes

SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ('SAM', 'BAM', 'any', 'as_input')
SUPPORTED_SORTINGS = ('unsorted', 'queryname', 'coordinate', 'any', 'as_input')
SUPPORTED_COMPRESSIONS = ('uncompressed', 'gzip', 'any', 'as_input')

[docs]class FilterItem(QStandardItem): """Representation of filter tool in item-based views. This class can abstract any tool that takes line-based input from STDIN, logs messages to STDERR and writes output to STDOUT. It is used to represent this tool in item-based views by means of an icon and descriptive text. Each item has a list of parameters as well as input and output requirements in terms file format, sort order and compression. """ # icon paths correspond to resource entries ICON_ANALYZER = ":/x-office-spreadsheet.png" ICON_CONVERTER = ":/applications-other.png" ICON_FILTER = ":/view-filter.png" ICON_SORTER = ":/view-sort-ascending.png" def __init__(self, text=None, desc=None, icon=ICON_FILTER): """Initialize new instance of a FilterItem. By default the new filter item both accepts and outputs only uncompressed SAM files ordered by queryname. Parameters ---------- text : str Short label for tool, should not exceed one line. desc : str Longer description of tool, should explain basic functionality. icon : str Path to icon resource, defaults to filter icon. """ if icon is None: super(FilterItem, self).__init__(text) else: super(FilterItem, self).__init__(QIcon(icon), text) self.desc = desc self.icon_path = icon self.command = "tester" self.input_format = 'SAM' self.input_sorting = 'queryname' self.input_compression = 'uncompressed' self.output_format = 'SAM' self.output_sorting = 'queryname' self.output_compression = 'uncompressed' self.parameters = [] self.valid = True self.setEditable(False)
[docs] def clone(self): """Creates new instance with identical settings. Returns ------- FilterItem Exact clone of this filter item. """ clone = FilterItem(self.text(), self.desc, self.icon_path) clone.set_command(self.command) clone.set_input_format(self.input_format) clone.set_input_sorting(self.input_sorting) clone.set_input_compression(self.input_compression) clone.set_output_format(self.output_format) clone.set_output_sorting(self.output_sorting) clone.set_output_compression(self.output_compression) for param in self.parameters: clone.add_parameter(param.clone()) return clone
[docs] def commandline(self, basenames=False): """Prints full bash command line for filter with all parameters. Parameters ---------- basenames : bool Shorten file paths to filename only, defaults to False. Returns ------- str Command to execute filter with all parameters. """ cline = self.command for param in self.parameters: if param.is_active() or param.is_required(): cline += " " + param.cli(basenames) return cline
[docs] def make_widget(self): """Creates a FilterWidget visualizing all parameters of this filter. Returns ------- FilterWidget Qt4 widget visualizing all parameters of this filter. """ return FilterWidget(self)
def __str__(self): return self.text() def __repr__(self): rep = "\n%s" % self.text() rep += "\n- command:\t\t%s" % self.command rep += "\n- description:\t%s" % self.desc for param in self.parameters: rep += repr(param) return rep # Getters & Setters
[docs] def add_parameter(self, parameter): """Append parameter to list of parameters. Parameters ---------- parameter : FilterParameter Parameter to be added to this filter. """ self.parameters.append(parameter)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): return self.parameters
[docs] def set_command(self, command): """Set command executed by filter. Parameters ---------- command : str Command of tool in PATH, absolute path to binary or Python entry point to main method. """ self.command = command
[docs] def get_description(self): return self.desc
[docs] def set_description(self, desc): """Set description of filter shown in GUI. Parameters ---------- description : str Longer description of tool, should explain basic functionality. """ self.desc = desc
[docs] def get_icon_path(self): return self.icon_path
[docs] def set_icon_path(self, icon_path): """Set resource path to icon representing the filter. Parameters ---------- icon_path : str Path to icon in resource file. Use any of the FilterItem constants ICON_FILTER, ICON_ANALYZER, ICON_CONVERTER or ICON_SORTER. """ self.icon_path = icon_path
[docs] def set_input_format(self, fileformat): """Set the expected input format. Parameters ---------- fileformat : str Expected file format. Use any of the formats supported by FilterItem ('SAM', 'BAM', 'any'). """ if fileformat in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: self.input_format = fileformat
[docs] def get_input_format(self): return self.input_format
[docs] def set_output_format(self, fileformat): """Set the provided output format. Parameters ---------- fileformat : str Provided file format. Use any of the formats supported by FilterItem ('SAM', 'BAM', 'as_input'). """ if fileformat in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: self.output_format = fileformat
[docs] def get_output_format(self): return self.output_format
[docs] def set_input_sorting(self, sorting): """Set the expected input sort order. Parameters ---------- sorting : str Expected read sort order. Use any of the sort orders supported by FilterItem ('unsorted', 'queryname', 'coordinate', 'any'). """ if sorting in SUPPORTED_SORTINGS: self.input_sorting = sorting
[docs] def get_input_sorting(self): return self.input_sorting
[docs] def set_output_sorting(self, sorting): """Set the provided output sort order. Parameters ---------- sorting : str Provided read sort order. Use any of the sort orders supported by FilterItem ('unsorted', 'queryname', 'coordinate', 'as_input'). """ if sorting in SUPPORTED_SORTINGS: self.output_sorting = sorting
[docs] def get_output_sorting(self): return self.output_sorting
[docs] def set_input_compression(self, compression): """Set the expected input compression. Parameters ---------- compression : str Expected input compression. Use any of the compressions supported by FilterItem ('uncompressed', 'gzip', 'any'). """ if compression in SUPPORTED_COMPRESSIONS: self.input_compression = compression
[docs] def get_input_compression(self): return self.input_compression
[docs] def set_output_compression(self, compression): """Set the provided output compression. Parameters ---------- compression : str Provided output compression. Use any of the compressions supported by FilterItem ('uncompressed', 'gzip', 'as_input'). """ if compression in SUPPORTED_COMPRESSIONS: self.output_compression = compression
[docs] def get_output_compression(self): return self.output_compression
[docs] def is_valid(self): return self.valid
[docs] def set_valid(self, boolean): self.valid = boolean