Source code for samsifter.models.workflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Abstraction of workflows with input, tool pipeline and output.

.. moduleauthor:: Florian Aldehoff <>

import sys
import datetime
from os.path import basename, dirname
from getpass import getuser

# Qt4
from PyQt4.QtCore import (QObject, QFileInfo, pyqtSignal)

# custom libraries
from samsifter.gui.dialogs import BashOptions, RmaOptions
from samsifter.models.filter_model import FilterListModel
from samsifter.util.serialize import WorkflowSerializer
from samsifter.util.validation import WorkflowValidator
from samsifter.version import VERSION

[docs]class Workflow(QObject): """Container object for workflow related data. Takes care of serialization and validation using specialized objects. """ # signals changed = pyqtSignal(str, name='changed') list_changed = pyqtSignal(str, name='list_changed') input_changed = pyqtSignal(str, name='input_changed') output_changed = pyqtSignal(str, name='output_changed') validity_changed = pyqtSignal(str, name='validity_changed') def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initializ a new instance of a workflow. Parameters ---------- parent : QObject Parent Qt object, defaults to None. """ super(Workflow, self).__init__(parent) self._filename = None self.in_filename = None self.out_filename = None self.run_compile_stats = True self.run_sam2rma = False self.model = FilterListModel(self) self.model.itemChanged.connect(self.on_change) self.model.rowsInserted.connect(self.on_insert) self.model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.on_remove) self.validator = WorkflowValidator(self) self._dirty = False # no unsaved changes at this point self.infile_valid = False self.outfile_valid = False self.valid = False
[docs] def commandline(self, hyphenated=False, multiline=False, batch=False, basenames=False): """Creates Bash-compatible commandline for entire workflow. Parameters ---------- hyphenated : bool, optional Enable hyphenation of entire commandline for use within variables evaluated by eval command; defaults to False. multiline : bool, optional Break long lines after each individual step of the workflow to improve readability; defaults to False. batch : bool, optional Enable use of variables that can be evaluated within code blocks like for loops or functions; defaults to False. basenames : bool, optional Shorten file paths to filename only; defaults to False. Returns ------- str Commandline to be run in Bash or subprocess. """ if self.model is None: return None # set hyphenation character(s) if hyphenated: hyphen = "'" else: hyphen = "" # set newline character(s) if multiline: # use \ for bash line continuation to increase readability newline = hyphen + "\\\n" + hyphen else: newline = "" # set filenames if batch: input_str = "${input}" output_str = "${output}" else: if self.in_filename is None: input_str = "${input}" else: if basenames: input_str = basename(self.in_filename) else: input_str = self.in_filename if self.out_filename is None: output_str = "${output}" else: if basenames: output_str = basename(self.out_filename) else: output_str = self.out_filename cline = hyphen + "cat " + input_str + newline for item in self.model.iterate_items(): cline += " | " + item.commandline(basenames) + newline cline += " > " + output_str + hyphen + "\n" return cline
[docs] def to_bash(self, filename, bash_options=BashOptions(), rma_options=RmaOptions()): """Write Bash script with optional batch processing capability. The batch variants take filenames as arguments while the standard call processes only the explicitly set input file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Writable path of new bash script. bash_options : BashOptions, optional Bash options object, defaults to new instance. rma_options : RmaOptions, optional SAM2RMA options object, defaults to new instance. """ # if bash_options is None: # bash_options = BashOptions() # # if rma_options is None: # rma_options = RmaOptions() bash_params = '' if (bash_options.get_print_commands() and bash_options.get_stop_on_error()): bash_params = ' -ex' elif bash_options.get_print_commands(): bash_params = ' -x' elif bash_options.get_stop_on_error(): bash_params = ' -e' bash_path = "/bin/bash" header = ("#!%s%s\n# SamSifter v%s workflow\n# created %s by %s\n\n" % (bash_path, bash_params, VERSION,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), getuser())) settings = ( '# SAM2RMA settings\n' '#sam2rma_path="%s"\n' 'sam2rma_path=`which sam2rma`\n' 'top_percent="%.1f"\n' 'min_score="%.1f"\n' 'max_expected="%.2f"\n' 'min_support_percent="%.3f"\n' '\n' % (rma_options.get_sam2rma_path(), rma_options.get_top_percent(), rma_options.get_min_score(), rma_options.get_max_expected(), rma_options.get_min_support_percent()) ) commando = "commando=%s\n" % self.commandline( hyphenated=True, multiline=True, batch=True, basenames=bash_options.get_use_basenames() ) stats_switch = "" # if not bash_options.get_run_compile_stats(): # stats_switch = "#" stats_command = ( "compile_stats " "--prefix ${filename} " "--remove --verbose " "> ${dirname}/${filename}.sifted.csv 2>> ${log}") rma_switch = "" # if not bash_options.get_run_sam2rma(): # rma_switch = "#" rma_command = ( "${sam2rma_path} " "--minScore ${min_score} " "--maxExpected ${max_expected} " "--topPercent ${top_percent} " "--minSupportPercent ${min_support_percent} " "--in ${output} " "--out ${dirname} " "2>> ${log}" ) function = ( "# define individual job, requires filename as input\n" "job() {\n" " %s" " input=${1}\n" " filename=`basename ${1}`\n" " dirname=`pwd`\n" " output=${filename}.sifted.sam\n" " log=${filename}.sifted.log\n" " eval ${commando} 2> ${log}\n" " \n" " # removal of temporary statistics files is optional\n" " %s%s\n" " # conversion into RMA files is optional\n" " %s%s\n" "}\n" "# make function and variables available to subprocesses\n" "export -f job\n" "export sam2rma_path top_percent min_score max_expected min_support_percent\n" "\n" % (commando, stats_switch, stats_command, rma_switch, rma_command) ) standard_call = ( "eval ${commando} 2> ${log}\n" "# removal of temporary statistics files is optional\n" "%s%s\n" "# conversion into RMA files is optional\n" "%s%s\n" "\n" % (stats_switch, stats_command, rma_switch, rma_command) ) seq_call = ( "# sequential execution, one after another\n" "for input in ${@}\n" "do\n" " job ${input}\n" "done\n" "\n" ) par_call = ( "# parallel execution, one subshell per input file\n" "SHELL=$(type -p bash) parallel --gnu --progress job {} ::: ${@}\n" "\n" ) summary = ( "# create summary file for all processed files\n" "summarize_stats > samsifter.summary.csv\n" "\n" ) footer = "exit\n" with open(filename, 'w') as f: # put the script together f.write(header) if bash_options.get_processing_mode() == BashOptions.SINGLE_MODE: f.write(settings) f.write(commando) if bash_options.get_use_basenames(): f.write('input="%s"\n' % basename(self.in_filename)) f.write('output="%s"\n' % basename(self.out_filename)) f.write('dirname=`pwd`\n') else: f.write('input="%s"\n' % self.in_filename) f.write('output="%s"\n' % self.out_filename) f.write('dirname="%s"\n' % dirname(self.out_filename)) f.write('filename=`basename ${input}`\n') f.write('log=${dirname}/${filename}.sifted.log\n') f.write(standard_call) # no summary here, compiled stats contain more information elif bash_options.get_processing_mode() == BashOptions.SEQUENTIAL_MODE: f.write(function) f.write(seq_call) f.write(summary) elif bash_options.get_processing_mode() == BashOptions.PARALLEL_MODE: f.write(settings) f.write(function) f.write(par_call) f.write(summary) f.write(footer)
[docs] def clear(self): """Empties the workflow from all filenames and filter steps.""" self.set_filename(None) self.set_in_filename(None) self.set_out_filename(None) self.model.removeAll() self.set_dirty() self.changed.emit("workflow cleared")
[docs] def to_xml_string(self): """Represent workflow as XML tree. Returns ------- str Pretty XML string representing entire workflow structure. """ tree = WorkflowSerializer.workflow_to_xml(self) xml_string = WorkflowSerializer.tree_to_str(tree, pretty=True) return xml_string
[docs] def __str__(self): """String representation of workflow. Returns ------- str Hyphenated multiline commandline to run workflow. """ return self.commandline(hyphenated=False, multiline=True)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Representation of workflow for debugging purposes.""" rep = "SamSifter v%s Workflow" % VERSION rep += "\n- filename:\t\t%s" % self._filename rep += "\n- input:\t\t%s" % self.in_filename rep += "\n- output:\t\t%s" % self.out_filename rep += "\n- dirty:\t\t%s" % self._dirty rep += repr(self.model) rep += "\n" return rep # Serialization
[docs] def formats(): """Lists supported file formats for saving and loading. Returns ------- list of str List of file extensions with leading asterisk, eg. ``*.ssx``. """ return ["*.ssx", "*.SSX"]
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Saves file and picks filetype depending on extension. Note ---- Currently redundant as only XML output is supported since binary output was dropped. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Writable path of new workflow file. Returns ------- bool True if successful, otherwise False. str Error or success message. """ if filename is not None: self._filename = filename if self._filename.endswith(".ssx") or self._filename.endswith(".SSX"): return self.save_xml() else: return (False, "Failed to save %s: wrong file extension" % filename)
[docs] def save_xml(self): """Save to file using XML serialization. Returns ------- bool True if successful, otherwise False. str Error or success message. """ error = None try: WorkflowSerializer.serialize(self, self._filename) except IOError as err: error = "input/ouptut error - failed to save: %s" % err print(error, file=sys.stderr) except OSError as err: error = "OS error - failed to save: %s" % err print(error, file=sys.stderr) finally: if error is not None: return False, error self._dirty = False return (True, "File saved to %s" % self._filename)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load from file using XML deserialization. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Readable path to existing workflow file. Returns ------- bool True if successful, otherwise False. str Error or success message. """ error = None try: WorkflowSerializer.deserialize(self, filename) except IOError as err: error = "input/output error - failed to load: %s" % err print(error, file=sys.stderr) except OSError as err: error = "OS error - failed to load: %s" % err print(error, file=sys.stderr) finally: if error is not None: return False, error self.input_changed.emit(self.in_filename) self.output_changed.emit(self.out_filename) self.set_filename(filename) self._dirty = False message = ("Loaded workflow with %i steps from %s" % (self.model.rowCount(), QFileInfo(filename).fileName())) self.changed.emit(message) return True, message # event handlers
[docs] def on_change(self, item): """Handle change of workflow model.""" self.validator.validate() self.validity_changed.emit("test of validity change signal") self.set_dirty(True)
[docs] def on_insert(self, mdlidx, start, end): """Handle insertion of items into workflow model.""" self.validator.validate() self.set_dirty(True)
[docs] def on_remove(self, mdlidx, start, end): """Handle removal of items from workflow model.""" self.validator.validate() self.set_dirty(True) # Getters & Setters
[docs] def get_model(self): return self.model
[docs] def get_in_filename(self): return self.in_filename
[docs] def set_in_filename(self, filename): if filename == "": filename = None if self.in_filename != filename: self._dirty = True self.in_filename = filename self.validator.validate() self.input_changed.emit(filename) self.changed.emit("input filename changed to %s" % filename)
[docs] def get_out_filename(self): return self.out_filename
[docs] def set_out_filename(self, filename): if filename == "": filename = None if self.out_filename != filename: self._dirty = True self.out_filename = filename self.validator.validate() self.output_changed.emit(filename) self.changed.emit("output filename changed to %s" % filename)
[docs] def get_run_compile_stats(self): return self.run_compile_stats
[docs] def set_run_compile_stats(self, button_state): if int(button_state) == 0: self.run_compile_stats = False elif int(button_state) == 2: self.run_compile_stats = True
[docs] def get_run_sam2rma(self): return self.run_sam2rma
[docs] def set_run_sam2rma(self, button_state): if int(button_state) == 0: self.run_sam2rma = False elif int(button_state) == 2: self.run_sam2rma = True
[docs] def is_dirty(self): return self._dirty
[docs] def set_dirty(self, dirty=True): if self._dirty != dirty: self._dirty = dirty self.changed.emit("dirty flag changed to %s" % dirty)
[docs] def is_valid(self): return self.valid
[docs] def set_valid(self, valid=True): if self.valid != valid: self.valid = valid
[docs] def infile_is_valid(self): return self.infile_valid
[docs] def set_infile_valid(self, valid=True): if self.infile_valid != valid: self.infile_valid = valid
[docs] def outfile_is_valid(self): return self.outfile_valid
[docs] def set_outfile_valid(self, valid=True): if self.outfile_valid != valid: self.outfile_valid = valid
[docs] def get_filename(self): return self._filename
[docs] def set_filename(self, filename): if filename == "": filename = None if self._filename != filename: self._dirty = True self._filename = filename self.changed.emit("filename changed to %s" % filename)