Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Filter references with high attribution of ancient reads in a MALT'ed and
PMD'ed SAM file

.. moduleauthor:: Florian Aldehoff <>

import sys
if not sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    print("Error, I need python 3.x or newer")

import argparse
import logging as log
import fileinput
import tempfile
from os.path import basename, splitext

# custom libraries
from samsifter.models.filter import FilterItem
from samsifter.models.parameter import (
    FilterParameter, FilterSwitch, FilterThreshold
from samsifter.util.arg_sanitation import (
    check_pos_int, check_sam, check_percent
from samsifter.util.filters import line_filter
from samsifter.util.papertrail import modify_header
from samsifter.version import VERSION

__version__ = VERSION

# global variables
TEXT = "Filter references by PMD score"
DESC = ("Filter taxa with high attribution of ancient reads in a MALT'ed and "
        "PMD'ed SAM file")

[docs]def item(): """Create item representing this tool in list and tree views. Returns ------- FilterItem Item for use in item-based list and tree views. """ filter_item = FilterItem(text=TEXT, desc=DESC) filter_item.set_command(splitext(basename(__file__))[0]) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterThreshold( text="min. PMDS", desc="minimum post-mortem degradation score (PMDS)", cli_name="--pmds", default=3, minimum=-10, maximum=10, precision=0, required=True, active=True )) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterThreshold( text="min. reads", desc="minimum percentage of reads exceeding PMD threshold [50.0]", cli_name="--reads_perc", default=50.0, unit="%", required=True, active=True )) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterSwitch( text="filter direction", desc="Keep or discard entries passing the filter criteria?", cli_name="--discard", default=0, options=["discard", "keep"] )) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterParameter( text="verbose", desc="print additional information to STDERR", cli_name="--verbose", default=True, active=True )) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterParameter( text="debug", desc="print debug messages to STDERR", cli_name="--debug", default=False )) filter_item.add_parameter(FilterParameter( text="write PG tag", desc="annotate the filtered SAM file by adding a PG tag to the header", cli_name="--modify", default=True, active=True )) return filter_item
[docs]def main(): """Executable to filter SAM files for references with ancient reads. See ``--help`` for details on expected arguments. Takes input from either STDIN, or optional, or positional arguments. Logs messages to STDERR and writes processed SAM files to STDOUT. """ # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESC) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=check_sam, help="specify SAM file to be analysed (default: " "STDIN)", required=False) parser.add_argument('--discard', type=int, help="keep or discard entries passing the filter " "criteria?", required=False, default=0) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print additional information to stderr') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', required=False, action='store_true', help='print debug messages to stderr') parser.add_argument('-m', '--modify', required=False, action='store_true', help='modify header by adding PG record') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pmds', required=True, type=float, help='post-mortem degradation score (PMDS) threshold', default=3) read_thresholds = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) read_thresholds.add_argument('-rp', '--reads_perc', type=check_percent, help='attributed read threshold (percent)', default=50.0) read_thresholds.add_argument('-rt', '--reads_total', type=check_pos_int, help='attributed read threshold (total)') (args, remain_args) = parser.parse_known_args() # configure logging if args.verbose: log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG) else: log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") # initialize dicts and variables header = [] # SAM header lines, unmodified total_read_counts = {} ancient_read_counts = {} positions = {} # dict of list for references and their line numbers buffer = None # file handle used to buffer complete STDIN byte_offset = 0 # offset of first line after end of header line_offset = 0"START of filtering references by PMDS.") # parse SAM file"STEP 1: parsing SAM records.") try: """ open SAM file from either command line argument or STDIN use temporary file as buffer if reading from STDIN """ if args.input: handle = open(args.input, 'r') else: handle = fileinput.input(remain_args) buffer = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+') for line_nr, line in enumerate(handle, 0): if buffer is not None: buffer.write(line) if line.startswith("@"): if args.modify: line_offset = line_nr + 1 # store header lines for later modification header.append(line) # increase offset until reaching end of header byte_offset += len(line) else: fields = line.split("\t") """ # content ==================== 0 QNAME 1 FLAG 2 RNAME 3 POS 4 MAPQ 5 CIGAR 6 RNEXT 7 PNEXT 8 TLEN 9 SEQ 10 QUAL ...optional fields... 18 NS """ # extract taxon ID from required RNAME field (written by MALT) rname_parts = fields[2].split("|") """ # content =============== 0 gi 1 GenBank ID 2 ref 3 accession 4 tax 5 taxonomy ID """ accession = "" try: accession = rname_parts[3] except IndexError: accession = "unknown" log.warn("no accession in line %s, assigning read to " "accession 'unknown'", line_nr + 1) # extract PMD score from optional NS field # (written by pmdtools) pmds = 0 try: ns_parts = fields[18].split(":") pmds = float(ns_parts[2]) except ValueError: log.error("invalid PMD score in line %i: %s", line_nr + 1, ns_parts[2]) exit(1) except IndexError: log.error( "no PMD score in line %i, run 'pmdtools --dry " "--header --writesamfield' first", line_nr + 1) exit(1) # count and filter reads by PMDS if accession in total_read_counts: total_read_counts[accession] += 1 else: total_read_counts[accession] = 1 if pmds >= args.pmds: if accession in ancient_read_counts: ancient_read_counts[accession] += 1 else: ancient_read_counts[accession] = 1 # remember occurence of accession and line number(s) try: positions[accession].append(line_nr) except KeyError: positions[accession] = [line_nr, ] finally: handle.close() # filter references"STEP 2: determining references matching the filter criteria.") lines = [] for (accession, ancient_read_count) in sorted(ancient_read_counts.items()): if args.reads_total: if ancient_read_count >= args.reads_total: lines.extend(positions[accession]) if args.debug:"filtering accession: %s", accession) elif args.reads_perc: perc = ancient_read_count / total_read_counts[accession] * 100.0 if perc >= args.reads_perc: lines.extend(positions[accession]) if args.debug:"filtering accession: %s", accession) # re-open file if not a buffered stream if buffer is None: buffer = open(args.input, 'r') # skip original headers and sneak in modified headers instead if args.modify:"Writing new @PG record to SAM header.") cline = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) modified_header = modify_header( header, name=splitext(basename(__file__))[0], version=__version__, command_line=cline, description=TEXT ) extra_headers = len(modified_header) - len(header) # should be 1 for record in modified_header: print(record.rstrip(), file=sys.stdout) # fast forward buffer to beginning of alignments if args.debug:"%i new line added to header lines.", extra_headers) # keep or remove accessions from SAM file alt = ["discarding", "keeping"]"STEP 3: %s %i references from SAM file.", alt[args.discard], len(lines)) line_filter(lines, buffer, discard=(args.discard == 0), offset=line_offset) buffer.close()"END of filtering references by PMDS.") exit()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()