Source code for samsifter.util.validation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Validation of workflows.

.. moduleauthor:: Florian Aldehoff <>

import os
from os.path import isfile, dirname, exists

# Qt4
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject

# custom libraries
from samsifter.models.parameter import FilterFilepath

[docs]class WorkflowValidator(QObject): """Validator for SamSifter workflows. Starts off with empty error lists for input, model and output that can be retrieved individually after running ``validate()``. The individual steps of validation should always be run in the same order. Lists of error messages can be retrieved individually for each of the three validation steps * input validation * filter model validation * output validation by calling the corresponding getter methods. They will be reported as one concatenated list when running the full validation. """ def __init__(self, workflow, parent=None): """Initializes a new instance of workflow validator. Parameters ---------- workflow : Workflow Workflow to be validated. parent : QObject Parent Qt object, defaults to None. """ super(WorkflowValidator, self).__init__(parent) self.workflow = workflow self.input_errors = [] self.model_errors = [] self.output_errors = [] # assuming default MALT output self.stream_format = 'SAM' self.stream_sorting = 'queryname' self.stream_compr = 'uncompressed'
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate input, workflow model and output in this order. Returns ------- list of str List of error messages occuring in input, model and output validation. """ # checks have to occur in this order to make sense of stream parameters self.validate_input() self.validate_model() self.validate_output() # only an error-free workflow is considered valid errors = self.input_errors + self.model_errors + self.output_errors self.workflow.set_valid(len(errors) == 0) # send signal about validity changes self.workflow.validity_changed.emit("\n".join(errors)) return errors
[docs] def validate_output(self): """Validate output file of workflow.""" self.output_errors = [] # assuming output as expected by MEGAN and SAM2RMA out_format = 'SAM' out_sorting = 'queryname' out_compr = 'any' outfile = self.workflow.get_out_filename() if outfile is None: self.output_errors.append("output: no filename given") else: outdir = dirname(outfile) if not (exists(outdir) and os.access(outdir, os.W_OK)): self.output_errors.append( "output: directory missing or not writable" ) if outfile.endswith(('.sam', '.SAM')): out_format = 'SAM' out_compr = 'uncompressed' elif outfile.endswith(('.sam.gz', '.SAM.GZ')): out_format = 'SAM' out_compr = 'gzip' elif outfile.endswith(('.bam', '.BAM')): out_format = 'BAM' out_compr = 'uncompressed' else: out_format = 'as_input' out_compr = 'as_input' out_sorting = 'as_input' # check compatibility with post-processing and MEGAN if self.stream_format != out_format: self.output_errors.append( "output: expecting %s format but receiving %s format" % (out_format, self.stream_format) ) if self.stream_sorting != out_sorting: self.output_errors.append( "output: expecting %s sorting but receiving %s sorting" % (out_sorting, self.stream_sorting) ) if self.stream_compr != out_compr: self.output_errors.append( "output: expecting %s format but receiving %s format" % (out_compr, self.stream_compr) ) # only an error-free output file is considered valid self.workflow.set_outfile_valid(len(self.output_errors) == 0)
[docs] def validate_input(self): """Validate input file of workflow.""" self.input_errors = [] # assuming normal input as produced by MALT default settings input_format = 'SAM' input_sorting = 'queryname' input_compr = 'gzip' # stream starts off identical to input but may change with each step self.stream_format = input_format self.stream_sorting = input_sorting self.stream_compr = input_compr infile = self.workflow.get_in_filename() if infile is None: self.input_errors.append("input: no filename given") self.workflow.set_infile_valid(False) else: if not (isfile(infile) and os.access(infile, os.R_OK)): self.input_errors.append("input: file missing or not readable") self.workflow.set_infile_valid(False) if infile.endswith(('.sam', '.SAM')): self.stream_format = 'SAM' self.stream_compr = 'uncompressed' self.workflow.set_infile_valid(True) elif infile.endswith(('.sam.gz', '.SAM.GZ')): self.stream_format = 'SAM' self.stream_compr = 'gzip' self.workflow.set_infile_valid(True) elif infile.endswith(('.bam', '.BAM')): self.stream_format = 'BAM' self.stream_compr = 'uncompressed' self.workflow.set_infile_valid(True) else: self.input_errors.append("input: unsupported file format") self.workflow.set_infile_valid(False) self.stream_format = 'any' self.stream_compr = 'any' self.stream_sorting = 'any' # only an error-free input file is considered valid self.workflow.set_infile_valid(len(self.input_errors) == 0)
[docs] def validate_model(self): """Validate workflow model.""" self.model_errors = [] # validate model model = self.workflow.get_model() for idx, item in enumerate(model.iterate_items(), 1): item.set_valid(True) exp_format = item.get_input_format() exp_sorting = item.get_input_sorting() exp_compr = item.get_input_compression() if self.stream_format != exp_format and exp_format != 'any': self.model_errors.append( "step %i: expecting %s format but receiving %s format" % (idx, exp_format, self.stream_format) ) item.set_valid(False) if self.stream_sorting != exp_sorting and exp_sorting != 'any': self.model_errors.append( "step %i: expecting %s sorting but receiving %s sorting" % (idx, exp_sorting, self.stream_sorting) ) item.set_valid(False) if self.stream_compr != exp_compr and exp_compr != 'any': self.model_errors.append( "step %i: expecting %s format but receiving %s format" % (idx, exp_compr, self.stream_compr) ) item.set_valid(False) # validate parameters for param in item.get_parameters(): if (isinstance(param, FilterFilepath) and param.is_required() and not (isfile(param.get_value()) and os.access(param.get_value(), os.R_OK))): self.model_errors.append( "step %i: required parameter %s either not existing " "or not readable" % (idx, param) ) item.set_valid(False) if item.get_output_format() != 'as_input': self.stream_format = item.get_output_format() if item.get_output_sorting() != 'as_input': self.stream_sorting = item.get_output_sorting() if item.get_output_compression() != 'as_input': self.stream_compr = item.get_output_compression() # initiate repaint of view to reflect validity changes in model model.dataChanged.emit(model.index(1), model.index(model.rowCount())) # Getters & Setters
[docs] def get_input_errors(self): return "\n".join(self.input_errors)
[docs] def get_output_errors(self): return "\n".join(self.output_errors)
[docs] def get_model_errors(self): return "\n".join(self.model_errors)