.. _api: =========================== SamSifter API documentation =========================== SamSifter is written in Python3 and uses docstrings written in `reStructuredText (reST) format `_ following the `Numpy docstring standard `_ for the documentation of all classes and functions. The package is distributed through the `Python Package Inventory `_ at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SamSifter using functionality provided by Python's :py:mod:`setuptools` library. All entities follow the `PEP8 naming conventions `_ using all lowercase names with underscores (``lower_case_with_underscores``) for packages, modules, methods, attributes, and functions but capitalized words (``CapWords``) for classes *unless* they are referring to C++ methods that are part of the PyQt4 library. The following packages are included: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 pmdtools samsifter