.. _help: ============== SamSifter Help ============== .. .. contents:: Contents Manual ====== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 manual Frequently Asked Questions ========================== None so far... Known Bugs ========== Please report new bugs to samsifter@biohazardous.de. Bugs in SamSifter ----------------- .. Currently no known bugs specific to SamSifter. .. Please report new bugs to samsifter@biohazardous.de. * The filter direction parameter of some filters, especially the 'Filter taxa by list' filter, should be moved from the optional to the required tab to avoid confusion, eg. when running the human pathogen screening workflow. * Exported bash scripts will attempt to execute SAM2RMA even if this option was disabled in the GUI. In combination with the 'Stop on error' option the script will fail silently on systems without SAM2RMA in their ``$PATH`` because of the ``which sam2rma`` in the bash script's first lines. Workaround: comment out the optional SAM2RMA commands or install MEGAN incl. SAM2RMA. Bugs in Tools used by SamSifter ------------------------------- * BetterRMDup fails when processing MALT'ed files. This is actually a bug of the SAM parsing library used in BetterRMDup that does not handle the custom MALT ``@mm`` record properly. The bug has been reported and will be fixed in a future version. * SAMtools ``view`` reports a possibly truncated file and complains about a missing EOF marker. This is likely a bug in either MALT and/or SAMtools ``view`` which can be safely ignored. See http://sourceforge.net/p/samtools/mailman/samtools-help/thread/4EC52844.3090808@broadinstitute.org/ for details. It is caused by a missing compression flag when processing uncompressed files. * SAMtools ``view`` complains about inconsistency of the sequence length when compared to the CIGAR string. This is a bug in MALT 0.0.12 that has been reported. Please re-MALT your files with a newer version or remove the affected reads manually.